- It flashed upon him that he had to attend a meeting. 他突然想起他必须去参加一个会。
- A place used to hold or produce the address of another storage location. 一种容纳或产生另一存储单元地址的单元或位置。参阅pointer。
- It flashed on me that I had to attend a meeting. 我忽然想起我得参加一次会议。
- I'm sorry,but I've got to attend a meeting at six. 对不起,不过6点钟我得去参加一个会议。
- To hold or fill (an office or a position). 占有:占有或位居(办公室或职位)
- To hold or fill(an office or a position). 占有占有或位居(办公室或职位)
- I'll have to attend a meeting this afternoon. 今天下午我得去参加会议。
- We are about to attend a meeting. 我们将要参加会议。
- They called for me to attend a meeting. 他们要我去开会。
- He told me to attend a meeting tomorrow. 他通知我明天开会。
- She reminds me that evening I still should attend a meeting. 她提醒我那天晚上我还要出席一个会议。
- To hold or restrain with or as if with bonds. 连接用或好象用绑带结合或固定
- I have to attend a meeting later. 等会我要开会。
- Q: Or attend a school for wizardry and witchcraft? (或是进入一所巫师和魔法学校?)
- To hold or take possession of an inheritance. 接受通过承袭拥有或取得所有权
- Or attend a school for wizardry and witchcraft? (或是进入一所巫师和魔法学校?)
- Gold is more expensive to hold or to ship. 持有或运送黄金,费用都比较大。
- Tomorrow I shall attend a meeting. 明天我将参加会议。
- We are going to hold a meeting tomorrow to discuss the subject. 明天我们准备开一次会来讨论这个议题。
- He will attend a meeting tomorrow. 他明天要参加一个会议。